About Us
Meeting of Minds was formed in 2015 by a small group of like-minded and passionate mothers raising a child with additional and complex needs.
We were united in our struggle to seek local community support and answers from professional agencies in tackling the challenges we faced.
It is with pride that our reputation for dedication and hard work has grown from strength to strength every year in our local area.
We have managed to create and nurture a much-needed support network for families and carers with children who have additional and complex needs.
Our goal is to continually strive to spread the word about our ethos, provide more access to key professionals and agencies, more events to educate and inform and more opportunities to connect with others in similar situations.
We are so grateful to all the local individuals, businesses and fellow charities who have supported us throughout our journey and continue to generously donate to our cause.
Our Philosophy - C A R E
With the help of coffee and cake, we gather every few weeks in various locations to meet with similar families. We socialise, chat, share stories and strategies for living well with our children.
Once a year we facilitate an opportunity for parents and carers to meet and feedback to key professionals that represent the various services our children use: Education, CAMHS, Social Work, NHS and others.
We regularly run various fun and inclusive activities for our children: dance, golf, badminton, swimming and arts with lots more to come.
Meeting of Minds offers parents, carers and siblings events that help to "tool up" for the journey ahead, from mindfulness workshops to presentations by practicing experts in medicine, psychology and psychiatry.
"Susan and I were delighted to witness first-hand the huge difference that these gifts and the caring nature in which they were provided has made to this family; the whole dynamic and interactions were so much more positive and the clear relief that they are not alone and are cared for was so evident.
We can only thank you again for enabling us to help reach them in such a meaningful way. They hope to join with you in some activities when these resume in the future, and we will look at ways to support and enable this to happen."
Lyndsay Fairbairn - Teacher within Pupil Support -Earlston High School
"You are always there like a friend waiting in your hour of need, I don't even need to say I need you but you are there. Your support is invaluable"
Lauren Hogg
"Euan would like to thank you all for his games, he (and his little brother) would like me to send you a photo which has captured them at their best this week.
These are very much appreciated we look forward to playing these tomorrow -after a very 'trying' week we have planned a hopeful fun day tomorrow with outdoor activities (incorporating home schooling & weather dependent) and games."
S. Cochrane
"I loved my 4 sessions with Jill. I wish it could have been more. It was great to talk unjudged and to be allowed to just talk and talk.
Jill gives great advice and strategies which I am going to try and keep going with!Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this. Much love"
A parent who received mental health support.
"We just want to say a MASSIVE thank you for Amber's hammock that has been successfully delivered. We will take a pic and send it when it's been built, Amber can't wait to try it out.
Thank you again, means so much for Amber to have her own safe and relaxing space."
Fiona Finlay
"Meeting of Minds has been a great help to us throughout our journey. Even before we had a diagnosis they were there to help us understand the processes we were heading into. We were able to meet other families who understood us and the challenges we have.
MofM events allow our kids to enjoy a range of activities without being judged or looked at as a disruption.
They continue to be a fantastic help with resources and contacts who can assist us to ease the path of our children and help them to get the most out of life"
a MofM Member
''Well where do you start? I came across Meeting of Minds about 4/5yrs ago when my daughter became ill and we have never looked back. They welcomed us as a family and at no point has anyone ever judged us or said we are doing it wrong. We are all on a journey as parents with kids who are neuro diverse and we get it.
They have been there for me when things just got too much and I couldn’t split myself into enough pieces to deal with everything. We had a chat over coffee and cake of course and we managed to work out a plan. During Covid Meeting of Minds were there for everyone even though they were all facing the same as us. Out came new wheels for skates, fathers day afternoon tea, Summer hampers to keep the kids and parents busy the list is endless.
I know that I can ask anything and if they can’t help someone will or they will find a way. Meeting of Minds is for everyone no matter what''
a MofM Member
''Meeting of Minds have always been there to provide my child with inclusion and support. There aren't always activities that my child can do with out finding them challenging and difficult. This group has allowed her to be part of things that she may not have been able to do. They have sent out things to us to provide us with activities to do through this pandemic.
Most recently they have been there emotionally to support as we go through a difficult time as a family. They have helped to build my confidence up and point me into directions that I was struggling to see the right way. Without this group I wouldn't be where I am today as they are the most dedicated team and are always there no matter what time of day it is. They have an understanding what it feels like to have a child that has learning disabilities and with them I feel I am not judged, criticised or looked down upon.
They all make me feel so welcomed and that no matter when I feel I am having a day of going no where they are always there to pick me up and remind me that I am doing a good job of bringing up my child that does learn a bit differently''
a MofM Member
''Meeting of Minds is a much needed supportive charity in our area. They offer help and understanding when needed. Their charity work and specialist clubs , courses and trips are just what we need to make us feel less isolated in a world that sometimes is overwhelming for our children.
The ability to chat to others in similar situations is paramount when u can feel very alone. The opportunity to learn more about how to deal with difficult behaviours and situations you may encounter is a valuable tool.
The charity has offered support in the way of gifts for my children and help for me. I’m very grateful for this charity and without it would feel very lost at times''
a MofM Member